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Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association

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  • October 21, 2024 11:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    When NeFSMA was formed in 2004, bylaws were adopted to help govern the organization. Those bylaws were then updated in 2005, but haven't been touched since then.

    The Board of Directors has worked with an attorney to make some updates to this document. In accordance with those bylaws, any changes to this document require a two-thirds majority vote of the members at our Annual Membership Meeting. 

    Please click here to review a redline version of the proposed bylaws. We are requesting comments be submitted no later than November 11, 2024. Any changes will be communicated via email and our website no later than November 14, 2024.

    Click here to provide comments on the proposed bylaws.

    Our Annual Membership Meeting will be held on November 21, 2024 at the Nebraska Innovation Campus. Registration will be open soon.

  • March 22, 2024 11:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our Annual Conference is all set for July 18, 2024 in Kearney!

    In addition to the conference, we've also got a great line up of events scheduled for July 17th. Start the day off with a Silver Jackets Nature Based Solutions Workshop at Central Community College (map). In the afternoon join us for our third annual Stormwater Scramble at Awarii Dunes

    Our annual networking event will again occur in the evening after the July 17th events. We'll have appetizers and drinks for everyone! This event is free with your conference registration.

    For the first time, we will enjoy the facilities of Younes Conference Center North (map), an addition to the original Younes Conference Center that we have used for many years.

    You can contact the Crown Plaza Hotel at (308) 238-7000 if you plan to stay overnight. A block of rooms is available for $169.95 until June 17, 2024. Just tell them you're with NeFSMA! 

    If your organization or business would like to be a sponsor, please go to for more information. 

    Agendas and registration information coming soon!

  • March 13, 2024 9:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call for Abstracts
    2024 Annual Conference

    July 18, 2024
    Younes Conference Center North
    Kearney, Nebraska



    The Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for our Annual Conference.  NeFSMA is seeking professional and student abstracts for oral presentations that are applicable to one of the conference topic areas listed below. The conference welcomes presenters from students and professionals in Nebraska and across the United States.

    ·       Floodplain: Risk Management, Mapping and Flood Risk Mitigation:  All aspects of floodplain management and mapping relevant to the local floodplain manager, planner, or engineer including but not limited to: minimum floodplain compliance standards, higher standards such as no adverse impact, floodplain mapping and related activities such as LOMCs, flood insurance, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, NFIP reform, activities or projects related to flood risk mitigation either pre- or post- flood event, or the NFIP’s Community Rating System.

    ·       Stormwater: Quantity and Quality Management:  All aspects of stormwater management relevant to regulators, consultants, and developers.  This includes discussion on policy, regulations, science, best practices and projects related to stormwater quantity, quality, and/or related infrastructure.

    Instructions for Submitting Abstracts:

    Abstracts must be submitted online by clicking here and filling out the form. Submissions in other formats will not be considered.  You will be asked to provide a brief abstract of your project (please limit to 400 words) and your bio as well as contact information.

    Most of the presentations will be 30 minutes in length (25-minute presentation and 5 minutes for questions). However, we may have the opportunity for some longer presentations, if you are interested in a 60-minute presentation (55-minute presentation, 5 minutes for questions) make sure to request that option on the form.  Please note that all presentations may be posted to our website at following the conference.

    Abstracts must be received by 5:00 P.M. Friday, May 3, 2024. You will be notified no later than May 24, 2024 and will receive further guidelines for preparation of presentations. The registration fees for one presenter per presentation will be waived. No other expenses will be covered.  If you have any questions please contact Committee Co-Chairs, Kellan Strauch at and Carrie Romero at

    Conference Logistics:

    The conference will be held at the Younes Conference Center North (map) in Kearney, Nebraska on July 18, 2024.    Be on the lookout for more information including registration details in the coming weeks.

    If your organization or business would like to be a sponsor, please go to for more information. 

    Please feel free to forward this to any colleagues or other interested groups who would consider presenting at the conference.  We're always looking for great speakers!

  • February 16, 2023 10:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for our Annual Conference.  NeFSMA is seeking professional and student abstracts for oral presentations that are applicable to one of the conference topic areas listed below. The conference welcomes presenters from students and professionals in Nebraska and across the United States.

    ·       Floodplain: Risk Management, Mapping and Flood Risk Mitigation:  All aspects of floodplain management and mapping relevant to the local floodplain manager, planner, or engineer including but not limited to: minimum floodplain compliance standards, higher standards such as no adverse impact, floodplain mapping and related activities such as LOMCs, flood insurance, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, NFIP reform, activities or projects related to flood risk mitigation either pre- or post- flood event, or the NFIP’s Community Rating System.

    ·       Stormwater: Quantity and Quality Management:  All aspects of stormwater management relevant to regulators, consultants, and developers.  This includes discussion on policy, regulations, science, best practices and projects related to stormwater quantity, quality, and/or related infrastructure.

    Instructions for Submitting Abstracts:

    Abstracts must be submitted online by clicking here and filling out the form. Submissions in other formats will not be considered.  You will be asked to provide a brief abstract of your project (please limit to 400 words) and your bio as well as contact information.

    Most of the presentations will be 30 minutes in length (25-minute presentation and 5 minutes for questions). However, we may have the opportunity for some longer presentations, if you are interested in a 60-minute presentation (55-minute presentation, 5 minutes for questions) make sure to request that option on the form.  Please note that all presentations may be posted to our website at following the conference.

    Abstracts must be received by 5:00 P.M. Friday, April 21, 2023. You will be notified no later than May 12, 2023 and will receive further guidelines for preparation of presentations. The registration fees for one presenter per presentation will be waived. No other expenses will be covered.  If you have any questions please contact Committee Co-Chairs, Kellan Strauch at and Carrie Romero at

    Conference Logistics:

    The conference will be held at the Younes Conference Center (map) in Kearney, Nebraska on July 20, 2023.    Be on the lookout for more information including registration details in the coming weeks.

    If your organization or business would like to be a sponsor, please go to for more information. 

    Please feel free to forward this to any colleagues or other interested groups who would consider presenting at the conference.  We're always looking for great speakers!

  • January 04, 2022 1:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ASFPM Foundation 12th Annual

    Collegiate Student Paper Competition

    Deadline Rapidly Approaching on January 29, 2022!

    Since 2011, ASFPM Foundation has sponsored a student paper competition as a way to engage the next generation in the important conversations about the floodplain management profession. This year's competition will be a part of the program at the 2022 ASFPM Annual National Conference on May 15-19, 2022. Three student paper finalists are invited to present their papers at the conference where they will also have the opportunity to learn about a wide range of topics relevant to their future career.

    Teams consisting of one or more graduate or undergraduate students currently enrolled in a college or university are encouraged to submit abstracts on subjects relating to floodplain or stormwater management no later than January 29, 2022. The abstracts will be judged by a panel of floodplain management professionals and three finalists will be invited to submit their papers in April 2022. The three finalists will receive free registration to the ASFPM Annual National Conference and travel expense assistance to present their papers at a special student conference session on May 17th.

    A panel of floodplain management professionals will judge the papers and presentations. Winners will be announced at the awards luncheon on Thursday, May 19th

    First Place: $1,000 scholarship

    Second Place: $500 scholarship

    Third Place: $250 scholarship

    Visit the ASFPM Foundation’s Scholarships web page for information on eligibility, submission process and timeline, topic areas of consideration, and abstract criteria.

    You can also download a flyer to help get the word out to your colleagues, family members, and friends who may know of an up and coming student interested in the competition.

  • January 04, 2022 1:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Association of State Floodplain Managers Foundation

    Announces Opening of

    2022 Future Leaders Scholarship Application Period!

    We are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the Fall 2022 to Spring 2024 Future Leaders Scholarship. We continue to look for the best and brightest to make sure we sustain a strong floodplain management community into the future.  If our current and past Future Leaders Scholarship (FLS) recipients are any indication, we are well on our way.  To ensure full consideration, students wishing to apply will need to submit their applications and all required attachments in time to be received by the ASFPM Foundation no later than midnight EST on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.

    In 2018, ASFPM Foundation established the FLS to provide direct, financial assistance, mentoring, and support to a deserving college student interested in pursuing a career in a field related to floodplain management. The FLS is a two-year scholarship awarded every other year to a college student entering their junior year of undergraduate studies or the last two years of a 5-year or dual degree undergraduate program. Learn more.

    §  As many of you know, the inaugural scholarship was awarded to University of Arizona engineering student, Jesus Mulgado. Jesus completed his master’s degree in 2020, and is currently working as a flood risk management professional with Atkins in Arizona. Please visit the Foundation website to watch Jesus speak at the 2019 ASFPM Annual National Conference and share how the FLS has had a profound impact on his life.

    §  The 2020 FLS recipient, Elizabeth Lacey,  is an honors student in civil engineering at Colorado State University. Elizabeth’s inspiration to study in the floodplain management field was influenced by her experiences early-on. You can also see Elizabeth’s acceptance remarks on the Foundation website.  

    Duration of Scholarship:

    This scholarship is awarded for up to a two-year duration and to a student entering their junior year in a 4-year undergraduate degree program or entering the last two years of a 5-year or dual degree undergraduate program.

    Amount of Scholarship and What It Covers:

    The scholarship will be in the amount of up to $20,000 per year for two years. The funds will pay the recipient’s college or university directly for any tuition costs which exceed any existing financial aid or scholarships up to $20,000 per year. Funds remaining after tuition payment may be used for other educational expenses, room and board in a college dormitory, or an equivalent stipend if living off-campus. The precise amount of the stipend will be negotiated by the Foundation with the scholar prior to the beginning of the academic year. The successful recipient will also receive assistance finding a paid summer internship in a relevant professional setting.

    Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

    In order to be eligible for consideration, the FLS applicant must satisfy the following requirements:

    §  Be a U.S. citizen or have U.S. permanent resident alien status

    §  Have graduated from high school prior to August 2020

    §  Have completed a minimum of one year of studies at a college or university on or before January 2022

    §  Be entering their junior year or entering their 4th year of a 5-year dual degree program in Fall 2022

    §  Have a cumulative, minimum GPA of 2.5 (or equivalent) at the completion of the Fall Semester 2021

    §  Be attending an accredited public or private college or university in the United States or its territories

    §  Be pursuing a course of study related to the missions of the Association of  State Floodplain Managers and ASFPM Foundation, which entail flood risk management or any of its related components

    To learn more and/or apply, visit the ASFPM Foundation website. Any questions may be directed to

    Your help is appreciated! We are asking that you use your networks within the floodplain management community including your relationships with colleges and universities to share information about this incredible opportunity. We believe our hope for a strong and resilient future begins with the support the Foundation provides through the Future Leaders Scholarship. Help us find our next rising star!

  • October 22, 2021 10:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Elizabeth Lacey, ASFPM Foundation Future Leaders Scholarship Recipient, shares her experiences as a 2021 Summer Intern with Michael Baker International

    This summer I had the opportunity for an in-person internship with Michael Baker International that came through my professional networking with members of the ASFPM Foundation. This was only financially possible because the Foundation invited me to stay in its DC-based corporate apartment for the months I was there. Travelling to and living in the historic Washington, D.C. area this summer was one of the most positive and fascinating experiences that I have had. That, coupled with the tremendous team I worked with at Michael Baker and my mentor, Allison Andrews, reinforced my desire to pursue Civil Engineering. I am profoundly grateful to the ASFPM Foundation for the opportunity to expand my knowledge and learn how my degree can be applied in a real-world setting.

    The two main projects that I worked on were determining the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) for a 100-year flood in different areas and working on the hydraulics and hydrology of a bridge project. I learned much about the different types of programs and analysis methods that can be used to determine the BFE, and how to determine whether a structure or property was above or below that BFE. I also learned how to use HEC-RAS and the process of determining the impact of a bridge on water surface elevations and pier scour. Learning hydraulics and hydrology in a practical setting this summer has helped prepare me for my senior classes at Colorado State University. My on-the-job understanding of hydraulics and hydrology has transformed the theoretical knowledge of the textbook. Equally exciting was the opportunity to travel to downtown Washington to see firsthand FEMA Headquarters (see photo).

    Throughout this summer, I was able to go in person to my internship and explore the Washington area, paying close attention to the COVID requirements that kept me safe. One of the most meaningful places to me was the National Mall, with the profound writings of those who walked before me and are honored in all the memorials and monuments. Experiencing the view at the top of the Washington Monument was one of my favorite things in that it showed me the bird’s-eye view of our Nation’s beginnings in the form of the beautiful City of Washington, and how it still thrives today. It was especially interesting to learn about the different ways that flooding has affected the monuments and memorials and how floodplain management has helped prevent some catastrophic events.

    As I toured Washington and floated on the Potomac River on the ferry, the bridges and water management projects were a site to behold. Touring around Alexandria, VA and going to the Wharf to look out over the Potomac River was a fulfilling experience as I contemplated the older technology and methods that have been displaced by the current civil engineering methods.

    I am looking forward to continuing to work with Michael Baker for the depth of projects they manage for their clients, and count it a privilege to be a part of the ASFPM Foundation. My partnering with both these organizations has allowed me to learn more about floodplain management than I would have merely in a college textbook! I am grateful to the ASFPM Foundation for the tremendous opportunity and the scholarship, which allowed me to take my desire to help others, which sprang from my family’s challenges with Hurricane Katrina 16 years ago, and see it come to fruition. 

  • June 08, 2021 11:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ASP Enterprises is currently seeking candidates for Outside Technical Sales Representative. Click here for more information.

  • March 22, 2021 7:16 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In conjunction with our Annual Conference, we will have a Virtual Tour featuring some of the best projects to manage flooding and stormwater. 

    How it works: we'll play a video of each project, narrated by the project designers and owners. These videos can be either 25 minutes or 50 minutes in length. Then at the end of the video, we'll have a live Q&A session.

    Do you have an amazing project? Do you have the ability to film it? Then we would love to include you as part of the tour. If you have an idea but are unsure about the technical details of filming, let us know and we can work through it with you.

    The live event will be held on July 21. We are looking for sites to be submitted no later than May 1.  You will be notified if you are selected no later than May 21, 2021  with final videos submitted by July 12, 2021.  Click here to submit your project. 

  • February 25, 2021 2:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for our 2021 Annual Conference on July 22, 2021. NeFSMA is seeking professional and student abstracts for oral presentations that are applicable to one of the conference topic areas listed below. The conference welcomes presenters from students and professionals in Nebraska and across the United States.

    • Floodplain: Risk Management, Mapping and Flood Risk Mitigation: All aspects of floodplain management and mapping relevant to the local floodplain manager, planner, or engineer including but not limited to: minimum floodplain compliance standards, higher standards such as no adverse impact, floodplain mapping and related activities such as LOMCs, flood insurance, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, NFIP reform, activities or projects related to flood risk mitigation either pre- or post- flood event, or the NFIP’s Community Rating System.
    • Stormwater: Quantity and Quality Management: All aspects of stormwater management relevant to regulators, consultants, and developers. This includes discussion on policy, regulations, science, best practices and projects related to stormwater quantity, quality, and/or related infrastructure.
    • Real World Projects: We would like to have a particular focus placed on project results, successes including beneficial partnerships, and lessons learned overall rather than the project process. Additionally, higher consideration will be given to abstracts and presentations that include input and participation from the project sponsors (i.e., communities or agencies involved).

    Instructions for Submitting Abstracts:

    Abstracts must be submitted online by clicking here and filling out the form. Submissions in other formats will not be considered. You will be asked to provide a brief abstract of your project (please limit to 400 words) and your bio as well as contact information. The form will also request input for virtual presentation preference if we must transition the conference to a virtual format.

    Most of the presentations will be 30 minutes in length (25-minute presentation and 5 minutes for questions). However, we may have the opportunity for some longer presentations, if you are interested in a 60-minute presentation (55-minute presentation, 5 minutes for questions) make sure to request that option on the form. Please note that all presentations may be posted to our website at following the conference.

    Abstracts must be received by 5:00 P.M. Wednesday, April 14, 2021. You will be notified no later than April 23, 2021 and will receive further guidelines for preparation of presentations. The registration fees for one presenter per presentation will be waived. No other expenses will be covered. If you have any questions please contact Committee Co-Chairs, Kellan Strauch at and Rocky Keehn at, or NeFSMA Chair Paul Woodward at

    Conference Logistics:

    The conference will be held at the Younes Conference Center (map) in Kearney, Nebraska on July 22, 2021. Be on the lookout for more information including registration details in the coming weeks.

    COVID-19 Information:

    The safety, health and well-being of our attendees has always been the top priority and we will continue to monitor CDC and local city/state guidelines. At this time, we are unsure if we will have a full, in-person conference, a virtual conference, or a hybrid event. We will be making the decision no later than May 1, 2021.

    If your organization or business would like to be a sponsor, please go to for more information.

    Please feel free to forward this to any colleagues or other interested groups who would consider presenting at the conference. We're always looking for great speakers!

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