NeFSMA is run by 100% volunteer effort. In order to bring quality education opportunities to our members, we depend on committees to help plan and organize our events and activities. If you're looking for an opportunity to get involved, contact Aaron Hirsh.
Professional Development Committee
This committee is responsible for our yearly education events, such as our Annual Conference in July and our Annual Membership Meeting in November. This committee is responsible for arranging the speakers and presentations for each event, as well as coordinating meeting logistics such as meeting locations.
Committee Chairs - Carrie Romero, Kellan Strauch
Committee Members - Nate Hartman, Derek Schriner, Lori Laster, John Callen, Elijah Kaufman
Public Outreach Committee
This committee coordinates members to present at public events such as local fairs and festivals to teach people about flooding and stormwater issues.
Committee Chair - Dan Fricke
Committee Members - Deanna Ringenberg, Randy Behm
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee oversees membership recruitment and promotional exhibits at appropriate events.
Committee Chair - Connor Kelley
Committee Members - Deanna Ringenberg, Rock Krzycki
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is responsible for blog and website content, as well as the development of our Annual Newsletter.
Committee Chair - Carrie Romero
Committee Members - Lori Laster, Cody Buckland, Creighton Omer, Kellan Strauch
Policy Committee
The Policy Committee is responsible for coordination with the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) and the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance (NMSA) and for keeping up-to-date on floodplain and stormwater issues in Nebraska and nationally.
Committee Co-Chairs - Lori Laster, Terry Lage
Committee Members - Nate Hartman, Aaron Hirsh