Association of State Floodplain Managers Foundation
Announces Opening of
2022 Future Leaders Scholarship Application Period!
We are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the Fall 2022 to Spring 2024 Future Leaders Scholarship. We continue to look for the best and brightest to make sure we sustain a strong floodplain management community into the future. If our current and past Future Leaders Scholarship (FLS) recipients are any indication, we are well on our way. To ensure full consideration, students wishing to apply will need to submit their applications and all required attachments in time to be received by the ASFPM Foundation no later than midnight EST on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.
In 2018, ASFPM Foundation established the FLS to provide direct, financial assistance, mentoring, and support to a deserving college student interested in pursuing a career in a field related to floodplain management. The FLS is a two-year scholarship awarded every other year to a college student entering their junior year of undergraduate studies or the last two years of a 5-year or dual degree undergraduate program. Learn more.
§ As many of you know, the inaugural scholarship was awarded to University of Arizona engineering student, Jesus Mulgado. Jesus completed his master’s degree in 2020, and is currently working as a flood risk management professional with Atkins in Arizona. Please visit the Foundation website to watch Jesus speak at the 2019 ASFPM Annual National Conference and share how the FLS has had a profound impact on his life.
§ The 2020 FLS recipient, Elizabeth Lacey, is an honors student in civil engineering at Colorado State University. Elizabeth’s inspiration to study in the floodplain management field was influenced by her experiences early-on. You can also see Elizabeth’s acceptance remarks on the Foundation website.
Duration of Scholarship:
This scholarship is awarded for up to a two-year duration and to a student entering their junior year in a 4-year undergraduate degree program or entering the last two years of a 5-year or dual degree undergraduate program.
Amount of Scholarship and What It Covers:
The scholarship will be in the amount of up to $20,000 per year for two years. The funds will pay the recipient’s college or university directly for any tuition costs which exceed any existing financial aid or scholarships up to $20,000 per year. Funds remaining after tuition payment may be used for other educational expenses, room and board in a college dormitory, or an equivalent stipend if living off-campus. The precise amount of the stipend will be negotiated by the Foundation with the scholar prior to the beginning of the academic year. The successful recipient will also receive assistance finding a paid summer internship in a relevant professional setting.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements:
In order to be eligible for consideration, the FLS applicant must satisfy the following requirements:
§ Be a U.S. citizen or have U.S. permanent resident alien status
§ Have graduated from high school prior to August 2020
§ Have completed a minimum of one year of studies at a college or university on or before January 2022
§ Be entering their junior year or entering their 4th year of a 5-year dual degree program in Fall 2022
§ Have a cumulative, minimum GPA of 2.5 (or equivalent) at the completion of the Fall Semester 2021
§ Be attending an accredited public or private college or university in the United States or its territories
§ Be pursuing a course of study related to the missions of the Association of State Floodplain Managers and ASFPM Foundation, which entail flood risk management or any of its related components
To learn more and/or apply, visit the ASFPM Foundation website. Any questions may be directed to asfpmfoundation@floods.org.
Your help is appreciated! We are asking that you use your networks within the floodplain management community including your relationships with colleges and universities to share information about this incredible opportunity. We believe our hope for a strong and resilient future begins with the support the Foundation provides through the Future Leaders Scholarship. Help us find our next rising star!