Attention NeFSMA members! We need your help reporting implementation ready stormwater projects for consideration of inclusion in the next stimulus bill by July 3rd. See message below.
Important Message from NMSA's (National Municipal Stormwater Alliance) Seth Brown for all MS4s
Please read Seth Brown's message below, it may be applicable to a project you are working on.
"NMSA Members and Friends of NMSA,
The National Municipal Stormwater Alliance (NMSA) is requesting information about local stormwater projects. Specifically, NMSA needs your assistance to prepare an estimate of the total value of “implementation-ready” stormwater projects across the U.S. in an effort to advocate for funding for these types of projects at the federal level. A web page has been established to enter information about your projects - see link below.…/
The total value of implementation-ready projects will provide information needed by the U.S. Congress as they consider funding of public infrastructure projects as part of an economic stimulus bill likely to be finalized in late summer or early fall of 2020.
It is common practice to utilize state revolving fund project lists when estimating funding needed for water sector infrastructure projects across the country. Stormwater projects, unfortunately, are chronically underrepresented in these lists. Therefore, NMSA is using the established online portal to create a list of ready-to-go stormwater projects to address this gap in information. This information will be compiled and sent to key Congressional contacts to be incorporated into the anticipated stimulus bill. Please submit your information by July 3. Also, please feel free to share the website link and information to as many others as you can to help us capture the full estimated value of implementation-ready projects across the country."
Seth Brown, NMSA